Thursday, December 4, 2008

2 year olds are PRECIOUS!

Ok, so, everyone talks about the "terrible twos"....I don't think 2 year olds are terrible! They are sometimes hard to deal with, but they are too adorable to say they are terrible! ha! For example, today one of my most precious and cute boys in my class said the cutest thing to me....He is one of my first kids to arrive in the morning, so usually he comes in and crawls in my lap to hang out until his other buddies get there. So, today he climbed in my lap and said "I missed you, Ms. Sara Beth" and I smiled and said, "Where did I go?" (kind of confused and wondering if he knew exactly what he had said) and he responded with a simple "To your home, I'm glad you're back". I about cried right there. How sweet and innocent. What could be better than that? NOTHING! (other than hearing it from my own child) Being a 2 year old preschool teacher is hard, but THAT is exactly why I love my job. Precious little gifts from God that I love:) 

1 comment:

Laura Joy said...


I stumbled on your blog through Heather.

I am glad to have another blog to get hooked on. :)